Thursday, March 6, 2008

Starting to worry

It was the HR director that announced the changes. The current CEO would become Chairman of the Board and a new CEO would arrive, in three months. In the meantime, the marketing director, one of the three executives, would arrive to Peru as acting CEO. This was a big surprise for everyone. The current CEO did not have a problem with this. He wanted to withdraw himself from the day to day operation. The arrival of the marketing director was a surprise. Why? He did not have any experience running a company. Anyway next week both the new CEO and the marketing director would be arriving to Peru. The new CEO for a week and the marketing director for three weeks. Regarding our hero, he would be promoted to regional CFO and transferred to Argentina. According to the HR director this should happen within a month. How about the details our hero asked? What do you mean details? My compensation, my rent allowance, etc. Don’t worry said the HR director. Everything will be arranged soon. When our hero heard the phrase don’t worry, he started to worry.

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