Monday, November 12, 2007


Suddenly after two months the phone rang. It was the friend. Hello he said. I am a bit late, but I have news. The CEO of the company we are talking about is coming to Group headquarters in order to meet you, if of course you are still interested. Our hero said that ok I am willing to talk, but what took you so long? You know things move slowly here, we also had other projects, etc. Our hero new that this company and especially his friend were not very efficient, but this two month silence and suddenly the CEO coming to visit (an 18 hour flight) seemed very unprofessional. He didn’t ask anything more about this delay, because he could not expect a serious anwser, but replied positively. Ok let us arrange a meeting he said. This CEO was from the same European country, but lived for many years in L. America. He would be coming in a week.

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